Spring At Last
I'm not feeling particularly introspective today so I decided to just throw out a few things. Bear with me. Hopefully it will actually turn into something worth reading on a sunny Monday.I've been struggling with my health lately. On the one hand, it's depressing and discouraging and makes me feel my age, which I do not like at all. On the other hand, it has made me appreciate the fact that I have been very healthy for the last two years. This two year hiatus in poor health followed a very long drawn out period of time which included two surgeries (one serious) and a bout with extreme lower back pain. So on this hand, I am praising God for the two years of peace he has given me. Although this new issue includes dealing with more pain, for the most part, I feel good. This is another blessing for which I am praising God . This pain does not limit my ability to climb stairs or walk down the street which my back pain did. If you've never had a sudden loss of mobility in one leg or both, you will never understand the joy I feel to this day of climbing a set of stairs. I marvel at the way my leg functions the way it is supposed to function. I am thrilled to no end to be able to trust that when I place weight on that leg, it will hold me. There was a time when it wouldn't and I was not sure it ever would again. This is another blessing for which I am praising God. So in balancing the issue in both hands, I find that the other hand wins out and I can praise God for his overwhelming blessings which make that first hand easier to bear.
Last Friday night our care group got together with another care group to eat (of course) and play games. It was a wonderful night as we haven't been able to spend time with this group in a while. We were forced (just kidding Judy) into playing a game called the Ungame. Now if you haven't played this game, you really should give it a try. The idea is you draw five cards which cover five different aspects of life, from serious to silly. Complaining loudly all around, we began to play taking turns reading our card and then answering the questions. As much as we complained, everyone played in earnest answering truthfully and at times very deeply. One of the cards told the bearer to go to each person playing and say something encouraging to them. Whew! That card couldn't have been chosen by a better person. He got up from his chair, walked to each person and said something special and encouraging about everyone in the room. It was one of the most moving and encouraging things I've been involved with in months! Towards the end one of my cards made the statement that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again three days later. What does that mean to you? As Brandon Scott Thomas says--For the Love! I worried with that little card through the entire game. I still didn't have an answer when it came time for me to answer it. So I took a deep breath and slowly read it again and suddenly the words just came pouring out of my mouth. What it means to me is that I am saved. What that means to me is I don't have anything to be afraid of. What that means to me is that whether I am living here on this side or over on the other side, I am alive in Christ. Now I have to admit here that I have been quite fearful for the last week. I shared that fear with some close friends who will pray for me and who are encouraging me every chance they get. As I said these things, I looked into the eyes of one dear brother who is showering me with scripture and hugs and prayer through all of this. And you know, that fearfulness just died. I have been filled with a great and wonderful peace ever since that night. It was a wonderful way to remind me that Jesus has fought the battle against death and Satan for me. No matter whether I live or die, I live in him. For the first time, I think I am much closer to being able to say with Paul, "to live is Christ, to die is gain." Who would have ever thought a simple game of Ungame would be so encouraging? Judy, we gave you grief but I really am glad we played your game. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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