Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Taking a short sabbatical/The DaVinci Code!

While it may appear that I have already taken a short vacation from writing, this makes it official I suppose. I have minor elbow surgery on Friday and will not be able to type or move my arm/hand at all for a few weeks.

In the meantime, I have been thinking a lot about The Da Vinci Code movie that comes out on Friday, and exactly how I feel about all the hype and the lies. I read the book and for the first half I was furious. The last half I just let it all slide and enjoyed the book as fiction--total fiction. I've also read a lot of the pros and cons out there about seeing the movie. There was an article in "Christianity Today" about going to see another movie instead of the Code which discusses the idea of fleeing Satan rather than arguing with him. Honestly, I don't think this is Satanic work. It's a work of fiction. Then there are all of the articles about boycotting the film vs. using the movie to open discussion about Jesus with our neighbors and acquaintances. It has been a whirlwind of words and opinions over the last several months. I find it interesting that Christians have caused such a huge uproar over this movie which, by the way, creates a huge interest in anything. If you just let things come and see what happens there usually isn't such a to do about nothing. We should have learned that when The Passion of the Christ came out. That uproar was to our advantage. I'm not sure most would think this one is.

Yes I intend to see the movie. I want to see the movie since I read the book and I like the actors. I also think it is important to see the movie, especially now because my co-workers and neighbors will ask what I think. I believe it is better to be informed than to be sheltered. I have appreciated the articles that have told the truth about the issues in Burton's novel which are not accurate regarding Christian history. These have been most helpful because they have given me truth to share in place of the lies that people will hear.

My question is this: Are you going to see the movie? Why or why not? And please share your thoughts with me if you see it. I'd like to know what you think. Really, isn't it fantastic that we have this opportunity to talk about Jesus with our neighbors and co-workers? It's not even Easter or Christmas! How cool is that!

Thanks for reading. Thanks for responding. I'll be back as soon as I can.


At 2:39 PM, Blogger Aggiema (Michelle) said...

I hope your surgery goes well and that your recovery is quick. Our Minister encouraged all of us to read the book and or go see the movie. He stated that you can not hold an intelligent conversation about it unless you are familiar with the material. I have not read the book but am interested in reading it. The Minister is planning a sermon on the subject but unfortunately we will be out of town that weekend, I can't wait to get the transcript of it, to see what he has to say.


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