Friday, February 17, 2006

The Price of Aging or Faulty Genes

A couple of years ago I was having trouble hearing people so I went to an ENT specialist for a hearing test and exam. It was almost a relief to learn that I suffer from hearing loss. The doctor assured me it was nothing I had done--as in playing music that rattled the car windows or running a jack hammer. It is genetic. My dad had the same problem as did his dad before him. I do pretty well in quiet rooms or on the phone in a quiet area. But put me in a room with a lot of people talking or music playing in the background and my hearing is literally useless. After a while I would be embarrassed to say "what" one more time so I would just sit back and try harder, like that would make my hearing come back!! The doctor told me to be sure to let people know that I had a hearing problem and that they need to speak clearly and look at me. I discovered that I can actually read lips. When people are looking at me while they speak, I can usually "hear" what they are saying well enough to be a part of the conversation. I have quickly adjusted to my slight disability quite well.

My hearing is similar when it comes to hearing God. In quiet places I can hear God. His voice comes easily and freely to me and there is communion between us. When I am in those areas where I am surrounded by the noise of the TV, Radio or lots of people, the voice I want most to hear is the one I can't hear at all anymore. I know it's there but it is masked by all the sounds that vie for my attention. Now I don't have a choice with the hearing loss I suffer. It was something that came with my brown eyes and natural curly hair. However, I do have a choice of whether or not I am able to hear God. Tonight I think I will turn off the radio in the car on the way home and share my day with God. It's nice to know my communication with Him is not dependent on my genetics.


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